I had quite a few people ask me if I had submitted my query letter and opening pages to the agents who had requested them at the Backspace workshop.
The answer is yes. . .and no. I did send a few via email a few weeks after the conference, and I received auto-replies that those agents were not accepting queries until after the new year. A little disheartening, yes, but I decided that this time gives me the opportunity to make the tweaks to the book that were inspired in New York. I'm taking advantage of these weeks during the holiday to do just that, and I plan to have a shiny and improved new query letter and manuscript to launch after January 5th!
And in reply to everyone who commented or emailed me protesting changes in the story--no worries! The basic plot will still be there, I'm just trying to make it more streamlined (and having read the earlier version, YOU will always know all the little details that might not make the cut). Thanks as always for your support and encouragement. It keeps me writing!
Merry Christmas to all!
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
4 days ago