I'm hearing the voices again.
No, the insanity isn't back. I haven't lost my mind or gained an alter personality. I'm hearing my characters speak again.
It happens at odd times, usually when I'm doing something like drying my hair or putting on makeup. I hear Tasmyn tell me about something that is happening with her and Michael on their college campus. She's ready to see her story resume, I guess.
I can't complain. My fictional friends have been considerately quiet while the wedding mania has been at its height, and while I've had twinges of anxiety about my lack of writing--will I ever write again??--it's been a relief to have one thing off my daily list.
I'm actually pretty excited to report that I'm feeling a little impatient to get back to my story. I know a little bit of what needs to be told in book 4, and I'm getting glimpses what is going to make book 1 tighter and better. I just need the time to actually get it onto the computer!
It'll come. Until then, I just have to ignore the itch a little longer.
Oh, and ask Tasmyn to simmer down for just about another month.
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
4 days ago