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Monday, July 12, 2010

Party Time!

I'm at the end of my first full day of 'just keep writing, just keep writing. . ." and it's been an incredible day.  I spent it totally within my characters' world, and truthfully, each time I came up for air, I was surprised to see that I wasn't at King High or Lake Rosu or at Marica's house.

Yes, this is a luxury.  Yes, I am truly blessed to be able to take this week.  Don't think I'm not really, truly grateful.

So what does a writing day look like?  I got up this morning, grabbed the computer and pulled up my current book.  I did some back reading, refreshing in my mind what I'd written in dribs and drabs over the last few weeks.  And then I switched on the tunes (God bless Pandora!) and started writing.

I got up and moved around every couple of hours.  Grabbed some water, a handful of M & M's (the pretzel kind--YUM!). . .took 1/2 hour to do some yoga, just to keep the oxygen pumping to my brain. . .I wasn't the least bit tempted to go outside to the pool, since every time I looked out, it was raining!

Right now, I'm on dinner break, eating some warmed over potato skins and fresh cherries.  And what do I do on my dinner break from writing?  Well. . .I write my blogs.

Good thing I love what I do!

I came to a really awesome conclusion today:  I actually do love what I do, and guess what?  My books really truly are good.  Women are sometimes conditioned to denigrate their own work. You know, someone compliments us and we reply, "Oh, it's nothing.  Just a seven course dinner.  Just an exquisite prom gown.  Just a great homeschool curriculum.  Just a three hundred page book. . ."  But if we don't stand up for the merits of what we do, who will?

So. . it was a productive day.  And now all that's left of the cherries are the pits, so it's time to get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, your books are good. Actually so good that you should send the rest of book 2, I'm dying reading it a section at a time!
